
Review of the Communicative Activity

I am going to review two of the communicative activities presented in ETM3. These communicative activities are typical in Japanese junior high school. AndI have ideas about Interview and Find someone.

There are some conversations on handout. They are...
A:What wee you doing at ' lst night?
B:I was eating dinner.

I think when we start conversations,we need greeting. Not asking a question sudddenly, but if we start.....
A:Hello,○○!How are you?
B:Hello,△△! I'm fine.
A:What were you doing at ' last night?
B:I was eating dinner.
A:Oh,you were eating dinner!
Student could repeat ~ing sentences and practice conversation longer.

Next I am going to review about Find someone.

Find someone...
This activity is that students look for someone who apply his/her question.There are some items, and this starts.....
A:Do you want to work in Tokyo after graduating?
B:Yes, I do.

First, after B answer the question of A, B repeats sentences one more time.
For example...
B:Yes, I do.I want to work in Tokyo after graduating.

I think it is one of the important way to pronounce English sentences.

And this idea may be a little difficult, if students learn this conversation, it is good that students make "Find some who..." sentences and ask someone.